September 2022:
We're happy to support Carencro Catholic School's annual fundraiser.
For over 125 years, CCS has been educating with a religious curriculum, while also providing electives, technology, and athletic opportunities for the children.
For more information please visit

August 2022:
We're proud to support the Carencro Cultural District.
CCD's goal is to "build and enhance a sense of community, foster artistic and cultural expression and related commerce, and provide access to historic tax credits for revitalization projects and to applicable tax exemptions."
For more info visit
You can also visit or call (337) 896-8481
April 2022:
We're proud to support the Down Syndrome Association of Acadiana. DSAA "provides support to persons with Down syndrome, their families, and friends. We do this through networking, promotion of positive public awareness, information sharing, and advocacy."
Pictured right: Operations Manager / Owner Brandon Verret at DSAA's Shoot for the Stars sporting clay shoot at GOL Shooting in Maurice, LA.
April 2022:
We're proud to support The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS).
"The world's largest voluntary (nonprofit) health organization dedicated to funding blood cancer research and providing education and patient services.
Since 1949, we’ve invested nearly $1.3 billion in groundbreaking research, pioneering many of today’s most innovative approaches. We work tirelessly to find cures and ensure patients can access the lifesaving treatments they need. When someone experiences the fear and uncertainty of a cancer diagnosis, we provide hope, compassion, education and support. And we are making an impact in the cancer community."
March 2022:
We had a great time getting involved in Schlumberger's Tenth Annual Sporting Clays Tournament. Proceeds from the event were donated to the United Way, and it was held at the American Shooting Centers in Houston, TX.
"United Way of Greater Houston is committed to lifting up our neighbors and supporting them as they pursue better futures and big dreams. United Way studies the needs in our community and invests strategically to support the safety net, transform individual lives and bring long-lasting, systemic change to tough issues, like family financial stability, education and the quality of life for returning veterans."
January 2022:
API is proud to sponsor Teurlings Catholic High School's baseball organization.
For more info on Teurlings, go here (and scroll all the way down for an interesting video).

December 2021:
API is proud to sponsor Teurlings Catholic High School's Mardi Gras Classic Rebel Golf Tournament taking place in February at Farm d'Allie Golf Club.
October 2021:
API is proud to sponsor Camp Bon Coeur and the Volley 4 Hearts volleyball tournament.
Since 1985 Camp Bon Coeur has provided support, activities and camp programs for children and adults with congenital heart defects and their families.
They are the only program of this kind in Louisiana and remain among a small handful of programs nationwide dedicated specifically to heart kids
Donations allow them to send children to camp, purchase necessary supplies and equipment and a list of other things. For more information on Camp Bon Coeur please click here.
September 2021:
API is proud to support Teurlings Catholic High School's football program.
For more info on Teurlings, go here (and scroll all the way down for an interesting video).
September 2021:
API is proud to support the NOV Sporting Clays Tournament benefiting the Impact A Hero Organization.
The Impact A Hero mission is to make a positive impact in and on the lives of Veterans, active Service Members and their families. They do this by providing services that remove barriers to personal growth and create opportunities for progress. Through personal development and growth programs they assist veterans in becoming successful, productive members of their communities.

September 2021:
Bias to Action: API team member, Shawn Menard, quickly organized a food drive for the recovery efforts after Hurricane Ida hit Louisiana on August 29th, 2021.
Hurricane Ida was a deadly and destructive Category 4 Atlantic hurricane that became the second-most damaging and intense hurricane to make landfall in Louisiana on record, behind Hurricane Katrina in 2005.
August 2021:
API is proud to support the Road 2 Recovery Cancer Benefit for the Abbott Family. Destry Abbott, one of the most well respected riders in all genres of racing was diagnosed with Leukemia in May of 2016. His wife, Charlotte Abbott, was diagnosed with breast cancer that had spread to her lymph nodes not long after.
The Road 2 Recovery Foundation is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization that was founded in 2000, and is dedicated to helping AMA licensed Professional Motocross/Supercross riders and Action Sports Athletes with financial assistance if they sustain career-ending injuries as well as providing motivational, emotional, and spiritual support to these individuals and their families.
July 2021:
API is proud to support the RiderDown Foundation.
The RiderDown Foundation is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to provide financial and personal assistance to off-road motorcyclists and ATV racers who have suffered nasty spills while engaged in the sport they love.

June 2021:
API is proud to support and donate towards the Caroline Dormon Jr. High School Fundraiser.
The fundraiser aided in purchasing supplies, instructional materials, technology, and equipment. It also helped fund the construction for an outdoor classroom & new sound system for the students!
For more information please visit the school's Facebook page here.
May 2021:
We're proud to support the LACC & GSOR Championship Series.
Both the LA Cross-Country Series and the Gulf States Off-Road Sprint Enduro Series provide fun, competitive, family oriented off-road racing in and near the state of Louisiana.
April 2021:
API is proud to support the 2021 ride days at Kevin Windham's Farm 14 and Desoto MX. Faith Racers’ events “create a perfect atmosphere to share God’s word, to hang out, eat together, and ride dirt bikes for fun.”
For more information please click here.
We're proud to support the 13th Annual JonCade Thomas Clemons Memorial Scholarship Fund Sporting Clay Tournament held on April 17, 2021
The JonCade Thomas Clemons Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 2007 by Andre’ Clemons in loving memory of his 10 year old son JonCade Thomas Clemons. The intent of the fund is to continue to spread the positive attitude about life and the true concern for an individual’s happiness that JonCade showed to everyone he met. His unselfish spirit will be carried on in his memory through the scholarship fund.
For more information please click here.

March 2021:
API is proud to support the Church Point High Athletic Booster Club.
“Funds raised from CPH’s annual auction go to support all athletic teams there as well as spirit groups.”

February 2021:
We're proud to support the Ducks Unlimited 2021 Clays for Conservation clay shoot.
Clays for Conservation helps bring awareness to protecting and creating hunting habitats. The money raised at this event went towards helping preserve natural waterfowl habitats in Louisiana.

January 2021:
API is proud to support the Louisiana Hot Styx travel baseball team based around Breaux Bridge, LA!
More information on the Louisiana Hot Styx baseball organization can be found here.
November 2020:
API was happy to support Carencro Police Chief David Anderson's 4th annual clay shoot. We're also proud that the API team won!
"We will continue to run the police department as a business, and treat the public as our customers. It is incumbent on the Carencro Police Department to be a part of the community and not apart from the community".
For more information on the Carencro Police Department go here.

October 2020:
API is proud to support the LA Lady Bombers girls travel softball team! We encourage children to get outside, get active, and have fun.
July 2020:
API is proud to support the newly formed Acadiana Veteran Alliance! We sincerely appreciate all who have served this country.
The AVA's mission is "To unite Acadiana-area veterans, Acadiana veteran-owned businesses, and all Acadiana-based companies for a common purpose; supporting veterans in job creation and work placement, assisting veterans in mental health solutions, creating a new, fully-developed support system for brothers-in-arms through financial/legal/housing assistance, and funding
existing veteran-focused philanthropies through focused efforts."
December 2019:
API is happy to sponsor the Lafayette secion of ISA. The International Society of Automation is a nonprofit organization that has been around for over 70 years. "ISA develops standards, certifies industry professionals, provides education and training, publishes books and technical articles, and hosts conferences and exhibitions for automation professionals".
For more information and/or to join, go to
The Lafayette section of ISA hosts technical presentations, provides networking opportunities, hosts mini table top exhibits, supports ULL's Engineering Department, and supports local high schools' FIRST Robotics Challenge teams. Much more at
October 2019:
API Control Systems is proud to support Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic School in Scott, LA. The school is "dedicated to the formation of students focused on Catholic beliefs while delivering academic excellence that builds future citizens of the world". More information can be found at
API recently sponsored and participated in Sts. Peter and Paul School's 12th Annual "Shoot for Education" clay shoot fundraiser in Maurice, Louisiana. As a bit of icing on the cake, API Ops Manager/Owner, Brandon Verret, shot on the winning team.

September 2019:
API Control Systems is proud to support Carencro Catholic School, "Serving All Through Spiritual, Moral, and Academic Excellence". Carencro Catholic School is tied to St. Peter's church parish and has history dating back to the late eighteen hundreds.
Much more school information can be found at
August 2019:
API Control Systems is proud to support LA Slam Girls Softball. We are happy to see the next generation enjoying physical activity, developing self-esteem, learning leadership skills, teamwork, respect, time management, etc... all while having FUN with their friends!

June 2019:
API is proud to support Dreams Come True of Louisiana. For several years API team members have participated in DCT's Annual Clay Shoot fundraising event held in the Lafayette, LA area. DCT also hosts an Annual Dance Fundraiser and an Annual Dream Kids Fashion Show.
Dreams Come True of Louisiana, Inc. was founded in 1982 with a goal of providing dreams to local area children with life-threatening illnesses. Children ages three through eighteen with a life-threatening illness who reside in Louisiana are eligible. Please visit for more information!
May 2019:
API Control Systems is proud to support Hutton Woods during his Louisiana Cross-Country (LACC) Championship Series title defense! When racing for two hours straight in all weather conditions, top successful racers must possess pure talent, physical fitness / endurance, mental toughness, race craft, focus, and determination. Not to mention superb mechanical skills during bike tuning and preventive maintenance tasks.
Hutton is a Project Manager at Woods Tank headquartered in Minden, LA. Woods Tank was established in 1975. Services include manufacturing, field erection, and repair of tanks for the pulp/paper industry, hydrocarbon processing industry, petrochemical industry, and power industry. Visit for more!